Building Resilience in Fragile World
Russia-Kazakhstan project aimed at developing strategies and techniques for self-help and self-development amid social and psychological challenges of modern world.
Face Your Fears to Deal with Them
Worries and Fears of Modern Young People
Take a look at various realities of our modern life that put a lot of extra pressure on the young generation.

View from Russia:
Nucreal Threats
Deadly Diseases
Fear of the Future

View from Kazakhstan:
Drug Use
Family Abuse
Ecological Problems

PetrSU and ENU students will tell you what may happen, if you do not take any steps to help yourself fight these fears and build more reselience.

Panic Attacks
Reckless Behavior
Child Neglect
Social Isolation
Suicidal Intentions
Our Fragile World

According to the World Health Organization Report and the latest scientific researches, modern

society tremendously suffers from high levels of stress and anxiety. Besides, seventy-five people

out of a hundred continually experience major depressive syndromes. This statistics is

considered to be alarming. The reasons of this massive disease vary from the effects of social

pressure to childhood’s psychological traumas. All people are non-identical, having different

backgrounds, upbringing stories, and difficulties taking place around them.

(Bulat Mukanov, Kazakhstan)

Stress, in its complexity, mirrors the challenges we face daily
Managing all types of stress is an essential ability to achieve success in any field. Whether you are an artist or a student, a big stage performer or an athlete, stress is a part of you. It helps you meet daily challenges and motivates you to reach goals, ultimately making you a better version of yourself. but the path matters more than the destination. There is no absolute settled way of fighting stress. Being a student, a professional sportsman, and a part-time coach at a local climbing gym, standing against stress is a daily routine for me. Sometimes you get disappointed by a teacher's grade or get annoyed because of undeserved customers' criticism, but what forces me to stay serene and peaceful is sports. For sure, something unpleasant could be magnetized by the negative sentiments of other people, but a nice training session with friends is like going to a therapist. All worries and nasty thoughts disappear immediately, you feel free and contented. All the disappointments and resentments bother you less when you have something you enjoy and like-minded people around to support you. In comparison between the champion's title and the journey of becoming the winner, the second matters to me the most. That is not only about physical exercise and hours of tedious practice but about becoming a happy, mentally stable and self-confident person.
(Bulat Mukanov, Kazakhstan)

In the modern world full of advanced technologies and easily accessible information, when the majority of people have an extremely fast, energetic, but very stressful pace of life, the issue of mental health has become vitally important. How to use tools offered to us by the Internet in the right way, without harming ourselves and those around us? How not to lose our heads in this pool of endless data? How to stop being overwhelmed and anxious concerning global issues and to start living a full, mindful and happy life of our own?
(Dina Zhanabergenova, Kazakhstan)
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