Sometimes it is very important to prioritize yourself and not the others
Self-care practices to help you prioritize yourself and your needs
Students from the Eurasian National University in Kazakhstan offer their advice on how to manage stress in your daily life successfully.
Take back the responsibility for your own wellbeing and do what's right for you!

Society of Lonely People
Before taking first steps to improving your wellbeing learn about causes and effects of social isolaton and loneliness in modern society.
Things That Make Your Life a Mess
Now, learn about various factors that cause stress and anxiety.
Basic Steps to Stronger Mental Health
Now that you are familiar with the main common causes of stress it's time to practice first steps to support your mental healt.
How to Overcome Social Anxiety Disorder
Anxiety was born in the very same moment as mankind. And since we will never be able to master it, we will have to learn to live with it— just as we have learned to live with storms.
(Paulo Coelho de Souza, Brazilian lyricist and novelist)
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